

We created a Win7 ghost image in July last year which I was using to roll out to machines directly. Recently I wanted to have a Virtual copy of this image so I could snapshot it before installing some new software to test and quickly get back to my prior state from my workstation. While we use VMwa...

update 2024 - some years later I was able to switch back to Linux at work. I'll have to look up when I did and see if I have anything documented about it.

I won't get into why, after 10+ years I've switched my work desktop from Linux to Windows 7, but suffice to say its been painful. I stil...

A while ago I created a virtual machine (VM) under VMware 5.1 with Ubuntu as the guest OS. I wasn't giving the task my full attention and I made a couple choices without thinking when setting this one up. The problem I ended up with is that I only allocated about 10GB to the VM which, while certai...