As more folks joined our merry troupe, practices and recordings got more complicated. It became more difficult just to rehearse and learn new tunes so recording naturally took a back seat.
While we were getting together now with our friends Sport and Cate Moran, Sean and Ailene Caviliere, and Aonghus there weren't very many recordings of us playing together. Tim hadn't written very many new songs, and was mainly concentrating on learning some of the Irish standards I knew as we both were getting more serious about playing out. I wanted to make another CD to pass out at the Samhain event in October of 2008 but most of the recordings I had, while they were tunes we were working up as a group were mainly just my versions of them which had been made to help folks learn the tunes. Tim eventually came to own a lot of these songs, but only after I had made the CD. In a way, this CD marks the end of me and Tim fooling around and our starting to get more serious about sounding better as a group - unfortunately, the recordings here are at the very beginning of that transition.
We adopted the name Bardic Circle sometime shortly after the CD was made.
01 Lord Randal 02 Mermaid 03 As I Roved Out 04 Colins Shabeen 05 Come Out Ye Black and Tans 06 Drowsy Maggie 07 Twa Corbies 08 Reynardine 09 Rising of the Moon 10 Real Old Mountain Dew 11 Good Ale 12 Greenland Whale Fisheries 13 Shan Van Vocht 14 Star of the County Down 15 Spancil Hill 16 Steal Away 17 Heres a Health