We used to quote a line in a punk song when we younger: 'you're only bored when you're boring' and it's proven to be a truism. I've had just way too much to do lately to spend very much time writing about any of it as well. This entry is really just a summary of several recent activities - although I usually like to put a little more effort into these journal posts, there's really just too much to say to do it all any justice.
Jamming regularly with Tim, and less regularly with Ned since Imbolc (around Groundhog's day) blossomed into a CD and a sweet gig of sorts at the feast of Beltaine (what later became May day). We had such a good time at that camping event that we decided to get some more tunes together and go out to Pennsic to play them.
Pennsic http://www.pennsicwar.org is a participatory medieval festival that I haven't been to for nigh on 8 years, and was as fantastic and otherworldly as I remembered it. My brother and I spent nearly the entire time jamming in various camp-life venues. The night we rolled in, Momus and our new friend Christianna caught us and gave us 10 minutes to dress and grab our intruments out of the car to run up to the Chalkman for their annual talent contest. We went on 11th of 17 acts!
As we were going up on stage (of sorts), the 'MC' asked Momus what we called ourselves, and having never thought about it, he burst out, 'Momus and the sugartits'! (after Ned's recent favorite Mel Gibson comment to a female police officer). The MC leaned over and said 'you have three seconds to think of another name'. Fjord later suggested that he should have said 'OK, Dave and the sugartits', but instead he blurted out 'Momus and the Fomorians' (after the legendary Irish immigrant race). The MC, apparently unaware of this piece of Irish folklore suggested 'it looks like there's only Two More-ians' which brought some serious laughter.
Momus' tune 'Whiskey Down', which mentions the chalkman among many other delights of Pennsic won for originality and we were brought back up on stage for photos and a plaque! The rest of the time we spent jamming in the Clann's yurt (actually it was Vollund's Yurt, but was leant to Fjord for Pennsic since Vollund was in Ireland), or just around camp for various guests and gambling night festivities. Blending two of my favorite activities, Medievalism and playing music has allowed me to discover a huge mess of great modern and well as ancient folk music and provided a forum which forces me to practice performance.